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3 min read

Feline Fine? New Year's Resolutions For Your Kitty Friend

Feline Fine? New Year's Resolutions For Your Kitty Friend

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New Year’s Resolutions for Your Cat: A Healthier 2025

As the new year approaches, it’s a great time to aspire for New Year’s resolutions—not just for yourself, but for your cat, too! You won’t believe how even just simple changes to their diet and playtime routine can have a significant impact on the quality of life of your cat.


Why Resolutions Matter for Cats

Many health issues we see in cats stem from preventable or treatable chronic conditions. We’ve all heard that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure - and ain’t it true!

Common (But Preventable) Concerns in we see with Cats:

  • Obesity: More than 60% of cats are overweight! Odds are - it could be your cat, and you might not even know it! Even being slightly overweight significantly increases your cat's risk of cancer, irreversible joint pain, and other chronic conditions.

    Weight loss is always easier said than done - team up with a vet to hijack your cat’s metabolism and get them back on the road to health!
  • Nutritional Gaps: No surprise that diet plays a critical role in your cat’s health - but where to start? Is wet food better than dry food? Is raw food important? Demystify nutritional myths with a veterinarian passionate about nutrition to extract the maximum value for your cat out of their breakfast, lunch and tea!
  • Lack of Exercise: Especially for indoor cats, low activity levels can lead to muscle loss, boredom, and even stress-related health crises, like bladder blockages.


5 Resolutions for a Healthier Cat in 2025


1. Get Moving!

This is no easy feat! Your cat’s metabolism and indoor lifestyle will be working hard against them, be sure to team up with a veterinarian passionate about getting your cat’s health back on track:

  • Nutritional Planning Consultations & Weigh-Ins: Work with your vet & nursing team to set weight & muscle targets, and tailor a nutritional plan unique to your pet. Use diets which hijack their metabolism to give them a weightloss boost.
  • Outdoor Enclosures: Cat-safe outdoor spaces are an excellent source of enrichment and exercise. A little creativity goes a long way, take a look at inspiration pics on google of how even small balconies can be transformed into a cat-friendly space.
  • Interactive Toys: Invest in toys like feather teasers or laser pointers which engage your cats prey-drive to get them moving and active. 


2. Boost Nutrition

A balanced diet can reduce the need for medications and support overall health. Whether your cat is managing a chronic health condition or is completely healthy, good nutrition makes all the difference.

  • Variety Matters: If you’re feeding a commercial diet (kibble, canned food), be sure to rotate the diet brand and flavour every few months to ensure nutrient diversity. Pet foods are extremely diverse and variable in what is actually contained within them, so best to cover your bases and lean on variety.
  • Add Whole Foods: Sharing lean cuts of meat and pet-safe veggies from your plate with your cat is a great source of fresh, bioavailable nutrients. Small amounts of baked lean meat, fish, or grated veggies like pumpkin & zucchini are all fair game.


3. Focus on Dental Health

Cats suffer terribly with dental disease, which is preventable in many cats and ultimately costs them painful jaws and extractions of rotten teeth. In fact, 80% of adult cats are currently suffering with dental pain! So, what can you do? Take control!

  • Brush Their Teeth: I’m a huge fan of Maxigard Wipes for cats, they tolerate them extremely well and are tasteless and odourless so there is very little resistance to getting started.
  • Dental Treats: Dental treats approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council should be provided daily, Greenies are a tasty choice and easily available.
  • Routine Vet Check-ups: Dental disease can be subtle, especially in cats, be sure your home care plan and cat’s dental health are reviewed 6-monthly by the right hands.


4. Routine Vaccinations and Health Checks

Vaccinations are important to protect your cat from infectious diseases, but also help protect the most vulnerable cats in our community who may be unable to benefit from vaccination due serious illness. Vaccinations are performed once yearly, at the same time that we perform a full general health check, including teeth, weight and nutrition counselling.

At VetLand Hospital & Emergency, our senior cats benefit from complimentary blood screenings to monitor aging-related health concerns proactively. Interested to learn more? Click here.


5. Twice for Life

Cats are masters at hiding illness, and so regular 6-monthly vet visits are essential to help detect early concerns which can be subtle and insidious - cardiac disease, weight gain and more!

To make the most of your visits:
Bring photos of your cat’s current diet, any supplements and medications, including flea and worm treatment.


Start 2025 on the Right Paw

By prioritising your cat’s health in 2025 you can enjoy a happier, healthier year. From changing up their diet to scheduling regular check-ups, these small steps make a big difference.

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