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2 min read

RVH Superstar How COVID saved Meeko’s life

RVH Superstar How COVID saved Meeko’s life

Patient: Meeko, 7 month old domestic shorthair

Veterinarian: Dr. Vicky

Favourite Nurse: Taylor

Has COVID-19 bought any shred of positivity to the world? Well, it’s actually responsible for saving Meeko’s life.

Meeko’s journey is one of my absolute favourite stories, but none of it would have been possible without Meeko’s tenacity, and his family’s unwavering dedication.  Meeko’s family rushed him to the hospital one evening, he had stopped eating and medications weren’t helping. His condition was severe enough that Meeko was hospitalised and underwent comprehensive blood testing that night.

It was at this point that Dr. Rafael diagnosed Meeko with feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). If you’re interested in more information about this awful feline illness, please read on here.

Until most recently, FIP was known to be a horrible viral infection of young cats with a 100% mortality rate. There was simply no therapy against this cruel disease which has touched not only many feline-families, but also the clinicians who dread to deliver the news of this devastating diagnosis. By the time Meeko’s diagnosis was made, his body had been ravaged. He had lost most of his body fat, his breathing was so loud it could be heard across the other side of the room. The virus had even started to settle in his eyes, making it difficult for Meeko to keep them open.

Meeko and his family were referred to Dr. Vicky in the morning for urgent intervention. Incredibly, Meeko was able to benefit from a groundbreaking new treatment with a human antiviral, Remdesivir.

This drug has only recently been made available in Australia, after undergoing testing for its usefulness against treating COVID-19 in humans. Whilst it was found not to be useful against COVID-19, feline coronavirus (FIP) was showing a lot of promise. Dr. Vicky scheduled an immediate priority order for Remdesivir, with the medication being urgently shipped from Sydney. Meeko was hospitalised for three days to start the regime, he would receive the antiviral therapy daily, as well as intravenous fluid.

Meeko 8 | VetLand Emergency Vet | Australia | VetLand | Victoria

When Meeko’s appetite returned, he would only accept hand-feeding from the team – his eyes were too sore to visually seek any food, so it would be warmed to help him smell it out. Given the severity of Meeko’s symptoms, especially in his eyes, he initially received high doses of the anti-viral. After 3 days, Meeko was discharged and would undergo a 12 week schedule of outpatient treatments, including antibiotics, antiviral injections and monitoring blood tests. At each visit, his breathing became quieter and his eyes less cloudy. Most undeniably, he began to put on weight and was soon reported to be chasing his family around the home, attacking their legs! After 12 anxious weeks of compliance, nursing and patience – Meeko was pronounced cured of his FIP infection and is expected to enjoy the rest of his life with his loving family, to the fullest! “I’m so absolutely, over-the-moon crazy delighted for Meeko, and his family.

To see kittens cured of this condition that we all once knew as a death-sentence.. Well, I really don’t have the words to describe the feeling.” – Dr. Vicky

Dr. Vicky Wade

Dr. Vicky Wade


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