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2 min read

Vaccination FAQs

Vaccination FAQs

Got some questions about your pets vaccinations? Let us give you a hand with those!

Does my pet need a vaccination every year?

Yes, absolutely. Vaccinations for cats and dogs protect against multiple disease conditions. Some vaccines are licensed as being protective for 3 years. If your pet is having one of these vaccinations, they will still need their kennel cough boosters each year. If you’re not sure what your pet needs, no worries – just bring your pet’s vaccine card along to your appointment. 

For senior pets (7+ years old), we offer complimentary blood screening alongside their annual vaccination. This is a great way to ensure their health is monitored both externally and internally, detecting any age-related issues early.

Learn more about the offer here.


What conditions are being covered by the dog vaccination program?

  • Canine Distemper Virus Canine Parainfluenza (Kennel Cough)
  • Canine Hepatitis Virus Bordetella bronchiseptica (Kennel Cough)
  • Canine Parvovirus

Depending on your pet’s lifestyle, your veterinarian may recommend vaccination against Canine Coronavirus and Leptospirosis. 

What conditions are being covered by the cat vaccination program?

  • Feline Calicivirus 
  • Feline Panleukopaenia Virus
  • Feline Rhinotracheitis Virus

Depending on your cat’s lifestyle, your veterinarian may recommend vaccination against Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (feline AIDS).

How are the vaccinations administered?

A small gauge needle is used to deposit the vaccination under the skin between the shoulder blades in dogs, and over the shoulder blade in cats. 

Dogs will also receive a vaccine which is trickled into the mouth as it gives a great response against kennel cough. 

Is there any danger in administering vaccinations yearly to my pet?

No. There is no compelling evidence to suggest that yearly vaccinations are a health risk to your pet.

Are there alternatives to be explored if I’m wanting to avoid annual vaccinations? 

Yes! We can discuss the possibility of titer testing for your pet. A blood test is performed to determine whether your pet still has effective antibodies from their previous vaccine, or whether antibody levels are low and a booster is sorely needed! 

I would love to bring in my pet for vaccination, but they hate the vet. What are my options?

Absolutely make an appointment to chat with our clinical team. We thrive off a fear-free culture, and are only too excited to discuss an anti-anxiety comfort kit for your fur-friend. 

Will my pet receive a health check during the vaccination appointment?

Oh, absolutely. Our clinical team will perform a thorough physical exam of your pet, as well as be very interested to hear about what foods you are feeding, parasite control and exercise regime. It is a great opportunity for your pet to get a full physical.

If your pet is aged 7 or older, they’ll benefit from our complimentary blood screening during their vaccination appointment. This health check provides a full understanding of your pet’s internal health, allowing us to detect potential issues early and give you peace of mind.

Learn more about the offer here.

My pet is sick, is it ok for him to get his annual vaccination?

Best to hold off until he’s feeling all better again. We want your vaccination to stimulate an immune response. If your pet is sick, that immune response will be distracted and may only give a partial response to the vaccine. 

Will my pet feel sick after the vaccination?

Most pets continue about their day as though nothing ever happened. However, mostly commonly reported side-effects include some tiredness. If your pet loses interest in food, develops vomiting, diarrhoea, or is otherwise unwell, please inform your veterinarian. Serious reactions are extremely rare but can occur, so – just like ourselves – you should continue to monitor your pet for half an hour after their vaccine.


Annual Vaccination


Dr. Vicky Wade

Dr. Vicky Wade


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