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1 min read

Have You Met Dr. Mohit?

Have You Met Dr. Mohit?

Dr. Mohit joined the VetLand team at the beginning of 2024. Whilst he had been practising as a veterinarian in his home India, the excitement of seeing the world has brought Dr. Mohit to Australia.

Dr. Mohit recalls that as a young boy, he was greatly influenced by his father, and credits him for putting him on the journey to become a veterinarian. Dr. Mohit remembers often helping his father treat sick calves from only 12 years old. 

Dr. Mohit has a keen interest in surgery, specifically orthopaedic surgery and being able to make a dramatic difference to a patient’s quality of life in the surgical theatre. He loves the variety and the constant learning that comes with each new case. He believes that learning never stops and that every case has something to teach. 

Dr. Mohit has a lemon beagle, Ginger - who is missing dearly as she is back home, keeping his parents company. 

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Does Your Pet Need a Tooth Extraction?

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Introducing: Kalinda

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