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Toxicity Alert: Keeping Your Puppy Safe from Household Toxins

Toxicity Alert: Keeping Your Puppy Safe from Household Toxins
Items Toxic to Puppies

Bringing a puppy into your home is a wonderful and joyous experience, filled with new adventures and memories. But puppies are naturally curious, exploring their environment with their mouths - it’s this tenacity for trouble and their little size that lands them in big trouble. With their teeny size, even small amounts of toxins can equal quite a large dose for your puppy. Read on to learn about some common toxins and poisons we encounter at VetLand Hospital & Emergency


Common Household Poisons


Rat Poison Danger

Snail and Rat Poisons

Snail and rat poisons are extremely toxic to dogs and can be fatal if ingested. These poisons often contain chemicals like metaldehyde, bromethalin, or anticoagulants, which can cause severe neurological and internal damage. Sadly, these products are very common in Australian homes. Due to the severe effects and the sheer number of cases we encounter - we can’t recommend keeping these products at your home, in any capacity. Beware of pest poisons that claim to be ‘pet safe’ - this is often simply not true.


Dogs and Chocolate

Foods: Chocolate, Macadamias, Grapes

Watch your snacks around your pup! They gobble up huge amounts of forbidden snacks, which can get them in all sorts of trouble. Foods to keep well away from include chocolate, macadamia nuts, grapes/raisins, onions, dough and high fat scraps - like sausages and mince.   Always store these foods securely and never leave them unattended where your puppy can access them.


Medication Danger To Puppies


Human medications are a serious risk for puppies. Keep all medications, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements, locked away. Puppies have a knack for sniffing out pills from drawers, bins and even handbags! Even something seemingly harmless like a vitamin D supplement can lead to serious health issues such as kidney damage. If you suspect your puppy has ingested any medication, contact your veterinarian immediately.


Plants Toxic To Puppies


Many popular indoor and outdoor plants are toxic to dogs. Sago palms are particularly dangerous and can cause liver failure and death if ingested. Other plants containing oxalates, such as philodendrons and pothos, can cause oral irritation, drooling, and difficulty swallowing. Familiarize yourself with which plants are safe for pets and remove or secure any toxic plants to prevent accidental ingestion.



Preventive Measures

Many popular indoor and outdoor plants are toxic to dogs. Sago palms are particularly dangerous and can cause liver failure and death if ingested. Other plants containing oxalates, such as philodendrons and pothos, can cause oral irritation, drooling, and difficulty swallowing. Familiarize yourself with which plants are safe for pets and remove or secure any toxic plants to prevent accidental ingestion.

  • Secure Storage: Store all toxic substances in high, locked cabinets or containers that your puppy cannot access.
  • Pet-Safe Alternatives: Use pet-safe products for pest control and household cleaning.
    Supervision: Always supervise your puppy when they are exploring new areas of your home or garden.
  • Education: Educate family members and visitors about the dangers of leaving toxic substances within reach of your puppy.
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